Third Week With Jadu

Third week with jadu also spent good. In this I learned CSS a lot i.e. font styling, font size, developer tool CSS, margins and paddings, borders, box modelling, id selector, class selector, input fields (hover, active et cetera), flex box. I also did self practice using these properties made changing in it to check out their working like I wanted to see the difference between margins and paddings during practice I found out that margins are for when you want spacing outside from your content. And padding does inner spacing of your content. I also completed my first project. I did it with all requirements given. Here’s the snapshot of my design.

In the soft skills session we discussed about fixed mindset and growth mindset but there is another one I’d like to add and this is undifferentiated mindset. I also do test on google to check what mindset I have and I lies on undifferentiated one.
My perspective
Seriously, you need to upgrade your mindset. Read new books. Meet new people. Switch it up. You have this whole life to live, don’t spend it in a box.